MicroDots Computers Education, Erode,Tamil Nadu, India.
Shortcut-Keys | Meaning |
F | Cycle Screen Modes |
X | Switch Colors |
D | Default Colors |
Ctrl + ‘+’/’-‘ | Zoom In/Out |
Alt + Mouse Scroll | Zoom In/Out |
Ctrl + Alt + Z | Step Back |
Ctrl + S | Save |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N | New Layer No Dialog |
Shift + Click Mask | Enable/Disable Layer Mask |
Alt + Click Mask | Toggle Mask Visibility |
Ctrl + Click Mask | Load Mask As Selection |
Ctrl + J | New Layer Via Copy |
Caps Lock | Toggle Cross Hairs |
Shift + Backspace | Fill Dialog |
Ctrl + H | Hide Selection Lines |
Ctrl + I | Invert Selection |
Ctrl + D | Deselect |
Ctrl + G | Group Layers |
Ctrl + A | Select All |
Ctrl + T | Free Transform |
Ctrl + E | Merge Layers |
Crtl + Shift + E | Merge Visible |
Ctrl + Alt + E | Stamp Down |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R | Rotate Arbitrary Dialog |
CTRL + ALT + DEL | Kill Photoshop |
Shortcut-Keys | Meaning |
Space | Switch from current tool to Pick tool. Press space again to switch back to the tool you were working with. |
Delete | Delete the selected object |
Arrow keys | Move selected objects in small steps. |
Arrow keys + Shift | move in larger steps |
Arrow keys + CTRL | move in smaller steps. |
Escape | deselect everything |
CTRL-A | Select All |
CRTL-Z | Undo |
CTRL-D | Duplicate selected objects. |
+ | Duplicate selected objects. |
CTRL-PAGEDOWN | Move the selected object one step back |
SHIFT - PAGEDOWN | Move the selected object all the way to the bottom of the stack |
CTRL-PAGEUP | Move the selected object one step forward |
SHIFT-PAGEUP | Move the selected object all the way to the top of the stack |
F2 | Zoom in tool |
F3 | Zoom out |
CTRL-F2 | Zoom to selected objects |
F4 | Zoom to all objects |
H | Hand pan the screen. |
F9 | Full screen preview, very useful. |
CTRL-B | Align selected objects to Base |
CTRL-T | Align selected objects to Top |
CTRL-L | Align selected objects to Left side |
CTRL-R | Align selected objects to Right Side |
CTRL-E | Align selected objects to vertical centres |
CTRL-C | Align selected objects to horizontal centres |
CTRL-G | Group |
CTRL-U | Ungroup |
CTRL-L | Combine |
CTRL-K | Break Apart |
CTRL-Q | Convert to curves |
CTRL-S | Save file |
CTRL-O | Open file |
CTRL-I | Import, useful for importing bitmaps |
CTRL-E | Export, create a bitmap image from your drawing, or selection. |
Shortcut-Keys | Meaning |
alt + space bar | open control menu box |
ctrl + n | create new document/file |
ctrl + o | open |
ctrl + s | save |
ctrl + shift + s | save as |
ctrl + w | close |
ctrl + d | place a vector/raster/image |
ctrl + shift + d | link manager view/display |
ctrl + shift + p | document (modify/change) setup |
ctrl + p | |
ctrl + k | general/preference (view/display) |
ctrl + q | quite/exit |
ctrl + a | select all (text/object) |
ctrl + c | copy (text/object) |
ctrl + v | paste (text/object) |
ctrl + z | undo (one time) |
ctrl + e | edit/modify story |
alt + ctrl + g | go to (page) |
ctrl + t | character (gaps) specs |
ctrl + shift + / | letter/word strike through |
ctrl + m | setup/modify paragraph |
ctrl + shift + v | reverse |
ctrl + shift + b | bold |
ctrl + shift + i | italic |
ctrl + shift + u | underline |
ctrl + shift + c | center (text) alignment |
ctrl + shift + j | justify (text) alignment |
ctrl + shift + l | left (text) alignment |
ctrl + shift + r | right (text) alignment |
ctrl + shift + > | increase size (font) |
ctrl + alt + > | standard size (font) |
ctrl + shift + < | decrease size (font) |
ctrl + shift + k | upper/all caps letter |
ctrl + \ | letter/word subscript |
ctrl + shift + \ | letter/word superscript |
ctrl + i | tabs/indents setup/modify |
ctrl + + (plus)/ - | zoom in/out |
ctrl + 1 | actual size view/display |
ctrl + 2 | 200% view/display |
ctrl + 4 | 400% view/display |
ctrl + 5 | 500% view/display |
ctrl + 7 | 75% view/display |
ctrl + 0 | fit in window view/display |
ctrl + 3 | define (text) style |
ctrl + u | file & stroke setup window/option |
alt + ctrl + f | display/view frame (option) |
ctrl + } | object/text bring to front |
ctrl + { | object/text send to back |
ctrl + shift + } | object/text send backward |
ctrl + shift + { | object/text bring forward |
ctrl + shift | alignment (object) view/display |
ctrl + alt + e/t + e | wrap (text) |
ctrl + g | group (text/object) |
ctrl + shift + g | un-group (text/object) |
ctrl + 6 | mask (text/object) |
ctrl + shift + 6 | unmask (text/object) |
ctrl + l | lock (text/object) |
alt + ctrl + l | unlock (text/object) |
ctrl + f | find/search (text) |
ctrl + h | change/modify |
ctrl + l | spelling find/check |
ctrl + y | index access/entry |
ctrl + r | ruler (show/hide) |
ctrl + j | color panel (show/hide) |
Shortcut-Keys | Meaning |
F5 | Add simple frame |
F6 | Add new Keyframe |
F7 | Add blank Keyframe |
F8 | Make Symbol |
CTRL+ENTER | Test a Movie |
F9 | Action Panel |
F4 | Show/Hide All Panels |
F10 | Keystroke Menu command mode |
CTRL+G | Group |
CTRL+SHIFT-G | Ungroup |
CTRL+B | Break Apart |
CTRL+A | Select All |
CTRL+SHIFT+A | Deselect All |
CTRL+C | Copy |
CTRL+V | Paste |
CTRL+SHIFT+V | Paste in Place |
CTRL+D | Duplicate |
CTRL+SHIFT+O | Optimize Curves |
CTRL+T | Modify Font |
CTRL+left Arrow | Narrower Letter Spacing (kerning) |
CTRL+right Arrow | wider Letter Spacing (kerning) |
CTRL+SHIFT+9 | Rotate 90° Clockwise |
CTRL+SHIFT+7 | Rotate 90° Counter clockwise |
CTRL+SHIFT+Z | Remove Transform |
CTRL+ALT+S | Scale and Rotate |
CTRL+SHIFT+Z | Remove Transform |
CTRL+Up Arrow | Move Ahead |
CTRL+Down Arrow | Move Behind |
CTRL+SHIFT+Up Arrow | Bring to Front |
CTRL+SHIFT+Down Arrow | Send to Back |
CTRL+ALT+1 | Left Align |
CTRL+ALT+2 | Horizontal Center |
CTRL+ALT+3 | Right Align |
CTRL+ALT+4 | Top Align |
CTRL+ALT+5 | Vertical Center |
CTRL+ALT+6 | Bottom Align |
CTRL+ALT+7 | Distribute Widths |
CTRL+ALT+9 | Distribute Heights |
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+7 | Make Same Width |
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+9 | Make Same Height |
CTRL+ALT+8 | Set "Align to stage" |
3D Studio max
Shortcut-Keys | Meaning |
A | Toggle Angle Snap on/off. |
B | Change active viewport to "Bottom" view. |
C | Change active viewport to "Camera" view (there must be at least camera in your scene for this command to work). If you have more than 1 camera in your scene, this will toggle between cameras. |
D | Disable view (prevents view from updating; used when editing very large scenes to improve performance) |
E | Select and rotate. |
F | Change active viewport to "Front" view. |
G | Toggle grid on/off. |
H | Select by name. |
I | Center active viewport to the mouse's position. |
J | Show hide selection brackets |
L | Change active viewport to "Left" view. |
M | Open the Material Editor. |
N | Toggle Auto Key on/off. |
O | Adaptive degradation, shows objects as boxes, speed up viewport drawing in complex scenes |
P | Change active viewport to "Perspective" view. |
R | Select and Scale. |
S | Toggle Snap on/off. |
T | Change active viewport to "Top" view. |
U | Change active viewport to "User" view. |
W | Select and move. |
X | Hide/unhide gizmo. |
Z | Zoom Extents All Selected. |
6 | Particle View (v6 & 7 only). |
7 | Polygon Count (displayed at upper left of viewport for selected object). |
8 | Environment panel. |
0 | Render to texture |
Space | Lock selection |
Up arrow | Walkthrough mode |
Ctrl+MMB | 2x Pan speed |
Ctrl+A | Select all |
Ctrl+I | Invert selection |
Ctrl+V | Clone selected Object |
Ctrl+C | (this is not copy!)(in perspective viewport) create target camera using the curent view. |
Ctrl+X | eXpert Mode |
Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Ctrl+Y | Redo |
Ctrl+LMB(click) | Add clicked object to current selection |
Ctrl+LMB(hold) | Marquee, Add multiple selected to current selection |
Alt+LMB(click) | Remove clicked object from current selection |
Alt+LMB(hold) | Marquee, Remove multiple selected from current selection |
Shift+LMB(click) | Clone selected/clicked object |
Shift+LMB(click+drag) | (with move selected) Clone and move selected/clicked object |
Alt+MMB | Rotate View |
Alt+X | Xray view mode |
Alt+Q | Isolates the selected objects |
Alt+w | Maximize viewport toggle |
Visual studio .Net
ShortcutKeys | Meaning |
Ctrl-X or Shift-Delete | Cuts the currently selected item to the clipboard |
Ctrl-Del | Delete next "word" |
Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Insert | Copies the currently selected item to the clipboard |
Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert | Pastes the item from the clipboard at the cursor location |
Ctrl-Z or Alt-Backspace | Undo the previous editing action |
Ctrl-Space | To see intelligence dialog |
Ctrl-Y or Ctrl-Shift-Z | Redo the previous undo action |
Ctrl-S | Saves the current selected file |
Ctrl-Shift-S | Saves all files and projects |
Ctrl-P | Displays the Print dialog |
F7 | Switches from the design view to the code view in the editor |
Shift-F7 | Switches from the code view to the design view in the editor |
Shift-F8 or F8 | Navigate to compile time errors |
Alt-Shift-A | Add Existing Item(file) to selected project |
Ctrl-Shift-A | Add New Item(file) to selected project |
Shift-F9 | Display the selected item quick output means contains value while debugging |
F12 | Moves the cursor to the selected method, variable, class definition. |
Shift-F12 | Finds the reference to the selected method, variable, class or the item under the cursor |
Ctrl-} | Match curly braces, brackets or compiler directives |
Ctrl-Shift-} | Select text between matched braces, brackets or compiler directives |
Ctrl-Shift-B | Builds the solution |
Ctrl-Shift-N | Displays the New Project dialog |
Ctrl-O | Displays the Open File dialog |
Ctrl-Shift-O | Displays the Open Project dialog |
Shift-Alt-A | Displays the Add Existing Item dialog |
Ctrl-Shift-A | Displays the Add New Item dialog |
Ctrl-M-O | Collapse all the methods, classes, regions in the current code behind or class file |
Ctrl-M-P or Ctrl-M-L | Expands all the methods, classes, regions in the current code behind or class file |
Ctrl-H | Displays the Replace dialog |
Ctrl-Shift-F | Find the reference of selected item into entire solution. |
Ctrl-Tab | Move from one opened file to another opened file in visual studio. |
F9 | Sets or removes a breakpoint at the current line |
F5 | Runs the code with invoking the debugger. |
Ctrl-F5 | Runs the code without invoking the debugger. |
Ctrl-Alt-L | Displays the Solution Explorer, which lists the projects and files in the current solution |
Ctrl-Alt-X | Displays the Toolbox, which contains controls and other items that can be dragged into editor and designer windows |
Ctrl-Alt-I | Displays the Immediate window, where you can find the controls or variables values or can do data manipulation during debugging |
Ctrl-Alt-Insert | Allows you to override base class methods in a derived class when an overridable method is highlighted in the Class View pane. |
Ctrl-F9 | Enables or disables the breakpoint on the current line of code. The line must already have a breakpoint for this to work |
F4 or Alt-Enter | Displays the Properties window, which lists the design-time properties and events for the currently selected item |
Ctrl-Alt-S | Displays the Server Explorer window, which allows you to view and manipulate database servers, event logs, message queues, web services, and many other operating system services |
Ctrl-N | Displays the New File dialog. Note: files created this way are not associated with a project. Use Ctrl-Shift-A to add a new file in a project. |
ShortcutKeys | Meaning |
Ctrl + 0 | Toggles 6pts of spacing before a paragraph. |
Ctrl + A | Select all contents of the page. |
Ctrl + B | Bold highlighted selection. |
Ctrl + C | Copy selected text. |
Ctrl + D | Open the font preferences window. |
Ctrl + E | Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen. |
Ctrl + F | Open find box. |
Ctrl + I | Italic highlighted selection. |
Ctrl + J | Aligns the selected text or line to justify the screen. |
Ctrl + K | Insert a hyperlink. |
Ctrl + L | Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen. |
Ctrl + M | Indent the paragraph. |
Ctrl + N | Opens new, blank document window. |
Ctrl + O | Opens the dialog box or page for selecting a file to open. |
Ctrl + P | Open the print window. |
Ctrl + R | Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen. |
Ctrl + S | Save the open document. Just like Shift + F12 |
Ctrl + T | Create a hanging indent. |
Ctrl + U | Underline the selected text. |
Ctrl + V | Paste. |
Ctrl + W | Close the currently open document. |
Ctrl + X | Cut selected text. |
Ctrl + Y | Redo the last action performed. |
Ctrl + Z | Undo last action. |
Ctrl + Shift + L | Quickly create a bullet point. |
Ctrl + Shift + F | Change the font. |
Ctrl + Shift + > | Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increase font +2pts. |
Ctrl + ] | Increase selected font +1pts. |
Ctrl + Shift + < | Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or lower; if above 12, decreases font by +2pt. |
Ctrl + [ | Decrease selected font -1pts. |
Ctrl + / + c | Insert a cent sign (¢). |
Ctrl + Shift + * | View or hide non printing characters. |
Ctrl + left arrow | Moves one word to the left. |
Ctrl + right arrow | Moves one word to the right. |
Ctrl + up arrow | Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph. |
Ctrl + down arrow | Moves to the end of the paragraph. |
Ctrl + Del | Deletes word to right of cursor. |
Ctrl + Backspace | Deletes word to left of cursor. |
Ctrl + End | Moves the cursor to the end of the document. |
Ctrl + Home | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document. |
Ctrl + Spacebar | Reset highlighted text to the default font. |
Ctrl + 1 | Single-space lines. |
Ctrl + 2 | Double-space lines. |
Ctrl + 5 | 1.5-line spacing. |
Ctrl + Alt + 1 | Changes text to heading 1. |
Ctrl + Alt + 2 | Changes text to heading 2. |
Ctrl + Alt + 3 | Changes text to heading 3. |
Alt + Ctrl + F2 | Open new document. |
Ctrl + F1 | Open the Task Pane. |
Ctrl + F2 | Display the print preview. |
Ctrl + Shift + > | Increases the selected text size by one. |
Ctrl + Shift + < | Decreases the selected text size by one. |
Ctrl + Shift + F6 | Switches to another open Microsoft Word document. |
Ctrl + Shift + F12 | Prints the document. |
F1 | Open Help. |
F4 | Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+) |
F5 | Open the Find, Replace, and Go To window in Microsoft Word. |
F7 | Spellcheck and grammar check selected text or document Word. |
F12 | Save As. |
Shift + F7 | Runs a Thesaurus check on the selected word. |
Shift + F12 | Save the open document. Just like Ctrl + S. |
Shift + Enter | Create a soft break instead of a new paragraph. |
Shift + Insert | Paste. |
Shift + Alt + D | Insert the current date. |
Shift + Alt + T | Insert the current time. |
Shift + F3 | Change the text in Microsoft Word from uppercase to lowercase or a capital letter at the beginning of every word. |
Ctrl + ' + char | Insert a character with an accent (grave) mark, where <char&rt; is the character you want. For example, if you wanted an accented è you would use Ctrl + ' + e as your shortcut key. To reverse the accent mark use the opposite accent mark, often on the tilde key. |
ShortcutKeys | Meaning | |
F2 | Edit the selected cell. | |
F3 | After a name has been created, F3 will paste names. | |
F4 | Repeat last action. For example, if you changed the color of text in another cell, pressing F4 will change the text in cell to the same color. | |
F5 | Go to a specific cell. For example, C6. | |
F7 | Spell check selected text or document. | |
F11 | Create chart from selected data. | |
Ctrl + Shift + ; | Enter the current time. | |
Ctrl + ; | Enter the current date. | |
Alt + Shift + F1 | Insert New Worksheet. | |
Shift + F3 | Open the Excel formula window. | |
Shift + F5 | Bring up search box. | |
Ctrl + 1 | Open the Format Cells window. | |
Ctrl + A | Select all contents of the worksheet. | |
Ctrl + B | Bold highlighted selection. | |
Ctrl + I | Italic highlighted selection. | |
Ctrl + K | Insert link. | |
Ctrl + S | Save the open worksheet. | |
Ctrl + U | Underline highlighted selection. | |
Ctrl + 1 | Change the format of selected cells. | |
Ctrl + 5 | Strikethrough highlighted selection. | |
Ctrl + P | Bring up the print dialog box to begin the printing process. | |
Ctrl + Z | Undo last action. | |
Ctrl + F3 | Open Excel Name Manager. | |
Ctrl + F9 | Minimize current window. | |
Ctrl + F10 | Maximize currently selected window. | |
Ctrl + F6 | Switch between open workbooks or windows. | |
Ctrl + Page up | Move between work sheets in the same document. | |
Ctrl + Page down | Move between work sheets in the same document. | |
Ctrl + Tab | Move between Two or more open Excel files. | |
Alt + = | Create a formula to sum all of the above cells. | |
Ctrl + ' | Insert the value of the above cell into the cell currently selected. | |
Ctrl + Shift + 1 | Format number in comma format. | |
Ctrl + Shift + 4 | Format number in currency format. | |
Ctrl + Shift + 3 | Format number in date format. | |
Ctrl + Shift + 5 | Format number in percentage format. | |
Ctrl + Shift + 6 | Format number in scientific format. | |
Ctrl + Shift + 2 | Format number in time format. | |
Ctrl + Arrow key | Move to next section of text. | |
Ctrl + Space | Select entire column. | |
Shift + Space | Select entire row. | |
Ctrl + - | Delete the selected column or row. | |
Ctrl + Shift + = | Insert a new column or row. | |
Ctrl + Home | Move to cell A1. | |
Ctrl + ~ | Switch between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells. | |
Alt + Enter | While typing text in a cell, pressing Alt + Enter will move to the next line, allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell. |
ShortcutKeys | Meaning |
Ctrl + Shift + Tab | Switch between outline and thumbnail pane |
Ctrl + Enter | Move to next placeholder |
Ctrl + M | Insert a new slide |
Ctrl + D | Duplicate the current side |
Ctrl + Shift + > | Increase font size |
Ctrl + Shift + < | Decrease font size |
Ctrl + T or Ctrl + Shift + F | Display the font dialog box |
Shift + F3 | Change case |
Ctrl + Equal sign | Apply superscript formatting |
Ctrl + Shift + Plus sign | Apply subscript formatting |
Ctrl + Spacebar | Remove manual character formatting |
Ctrl + E | Center a paragraph |
Ctrl + J | Justify a paragraph |
Ctrl + L | Left align a paragraph |
Ctrl + R | Right align a paragraph |
Alt + Shift + Left arrow | Promote a paragraph in an outline |
Alt + Shift + Right arrow | Demote a paragraph in an outline |
Alt + Shift + Up arrow | Move selected outline paragraphs up |
Alt + Shift + Down arrow | Move selected outline paragraphs down |
Alt + Shift + 1 | Display outline heading level 1 |
Alt + Shift + + | Expand outline text below a heading |
Alt + Shift + – | Collapse outline text below a heading |
Alt + Shift +A | Collapse or show all text or headings |
Shift + F9 | Show or hide the grid |
Alt + F9 | Show or hide the guides |
F5 | Run a presentation |
Ctrl + P | Activate the pen tool during a show |
E | Erase pen tool drawings during a show |
Esc | Turn off the pen tool during a show |
Ctrl + A | Change the pen to a pointer during a show |
Ctrl + H | Hide the pointer or pen during a show |
Tab | Move to the next hyperlink during a show |
B | Make the screen go black during a show |
W | Make the screen go white during a show |
S | Stop or restart an automatic show |
1 + Enter | Return to the first slide during show |
Ctrl + G | Group Items (with items selected) |
Ctrl + Shift + G | Ungroup |
Slide number + Enter | During presentation, Go to slide number |
F6 | Move clockwise among panes in Normal view |
Shift + F6 | Move counterclockwise among panes in Normal view |
Ctrl + Shift + C | Copy formatting of selected shape |
Ctrl + Shift + V | Paste formatting only to another shape |
Ctrl + K | Insert hyperlink |
F1 | Help |
F5 | View the complete slide show |
Shift + F5 | View the slide show from the current slide forward |
F7 | Spellcheck |
F12 | Opens Save As dialog box |
S | Stop the show. Press S again to restart the show |
Esc | End the slide show |
Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow | Select to the end of a word |
Ctrl + Shift + Left arrow | Select to the beginning of a word |
Ctrl + A (on Slides tab) | Select all objects |
Ctrl + A (in Slide Sorter view) | Select all slides |
Ctrl + A (on the Outline tab) | Select all text |
Ctrl + Backspace | Delete one word to the left |
Ctrl + Delete | Delete one word to the right |
Ctrl + X | Cut selected object or text |
Ctrl + C | Copy selected object or text |
Ctrl + V | Paste cut or copied object or text |
Ctrl + Z | Undo |
Ctrl + Y | Redo |
Ctrl + F | Open Find dialog box |
ShortcutKeys | Meaning |
ALT + 2 | To Duplicate a voucher |
ALT + A | To Add a voucher, To Alter the column in columnar report |
ALT + C | To create a master at a voucher screen (if it has not been already assigned a different function, as in reports like Balance Sheet, where it adds a new column to the report). To access Auto Value Calculator in the amount field during voucher entry |
ALT + D | To delete a voucher, To delete a master, To delete a column in any columnar report (if it has not been already assigned a different function, as explained above) |
ALT + E | To export the report in ASCII, Excel, HTML OR XML format |
ALT + I | To insert a voucherTo toggle between Item and Accounting invoice |
ALT + G | To select the Language Configuration |
ALT + K | To select the Keyboard Configuration |
ALT + O | To upload the report at your website |
ALT + G | To select language for TALLY.ERP 9 Interface |
ALT + M | To Email the report |
ALT + N | To view the report in automatic columns |
ALT + P | To print the report |
ALT + R | To repeat the narration in different voucher type |
ALT + S | To bring back a line you removed using ALT + R |
ALT + U | To retrieve the last line which is deleted using Alt + R |
ALT+ V | From Invoice screen to bring Stock Journal screen |
ALT + X | To cancel a voucher in Day Book/List of Vouchers |
ALT + R | To repeat the narration in different voucher type |
CTRL + A | To accept a form – wherever you use this key combination, that or report gets accepted as it is |
CTRL + B | To select the Budget |
CTRL + ALT + B | To check the Company Statutory details |
CTRL + C | To select the Cost Centre. To select the Cost Category |
CTRL+ E | To select the Currencies |
CTRL + G | To select the Group |
CTRL + H | To view the Support Centre |
CTRL + I | To select the Stock Items |
Ctrl + Alt + I | To import statutory masters |
CTRL + K | To Login as Remote Tally.NET User |
CTRL + L | To select the Ledger. To mark a Voucher as Optional |
CTRL + O | To select the Godown |
CTRL + Q | To abandon a form – wherever you use this key combination, it quits that screen without making any changes to it. |
CTRL + R | To repeat narration in the same voucher type |
CTRL + Alt + R | Rewrite data for a Company |
CTRL + S | Allows you to alter Stock Item master |
CTRL + U | To select the Units |
CTRL + V | To select the Voucher Types. To toggle between Invoice and Voucher |
CTRL + K | To login to Control Centre |
CTRL + H | To access Support Centre. Wherein you can directly post your queries on the functional and technical aspects of Tally.ERP9, Shoper and Tally.Developer. |
Alt + Enter | To view the Voucher display |
Alt + S | To view Stock Query report |
Alt + Z | To zoom in to the print preview to 100% screen |
+ | To zoom in to the print preview |
– | To zoom out of the print preview |
CTRL + Scroll wheel (Mouse Wheel) | To zoom in to the print preview |
SHIFT + Scroll wheel (Mouse Wheel) / SHIFT + Right or Left arrow | To scroll horizontally – left to right or right to left |
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