React Js Training Institute of MicroDots Computers Education, Erode,Tamil Nadu, India.
React Js is also commonly called React.js or React. React JS developed and maintained by Facebook and Opensource Community. React JS Created by Jordan Walke a Facebook employee who was influenced by XHP. Mostly front-end developers want to use React JS for building user interfaces since React is fast compared to Other Frameworks.
Online Class (✓) InPerson Class (✓)
Introduction to React
Learning Objective: Understand how react makes things perform,
learn how to set up, run and debug a react app.
What is React?
Why React?
React version history
Just React - Hello World
Using create-react-app
Anatomy of react project
Running the app
Debugging first react app
Hands-on: Install create-react-app and create a new react project.
Templating using JSX
L earning Objective: Understand the significance of JSX and know its syntax and features.
Working with React. createElement
Using logical operators
Specifying attributes
Specifying children
Hands-on: Create JSX expressions with different javascript expression, apply css via className and styles, use conditionals.
It's all about components
Learning Objective: Understand the significance of component architecture and learn how to decompose UI into components and compose them back to make UI.
Significance of component architecture
Types of components
Class based
Component Composition
Hands-on: Create class based and functional components.
Working with state and props
Learning Objective: Learn how to manage state in class based react components and how to make communication between components using props.
What is state and it significance
Read state and set state
Passing data to component using props
Validating props using propTypes
Supplying default values to props using defaultProps
Hands-on: Create a stateful component and stateless component.Pass data from parent component to child component using props. Implement child to parent communication using callbacks.
Rendering lists
Learning Objective: Learn how to render lists and use key prop.
Using react key prop
Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate elements
Hands-on: Create component which renders lists iteratively using map function of array.
Event handling in React
Learning Objective: Learn about React's synthetic event system and its working.
Understanding React event system
Understanding Synthetic event
Passing arguments to event handlers
Hands-on: Handle different synthetic events.
Understanding component lifecycle and handling errors
Learning Objective: Understand the significance of lifecycle methods and application in real time use cases. Also learn how to handle errors declaratively.
Understand the lifecycle methods
Handle errors using error boundaries
Hands-on: Create a stateful component and implement lifecycle methods. Implement try catch mechanism using error boundaries.
Learning Objective: Understand how to work with global state using context API.
What is context
When to use context
Create Context
Reading context in class
Hands-on: Create components that get applied with multiple themed styles using context to store theme info globally and apply to all components
Learning Objective: Understand the need of code splitting and implement the same on a component basis.
What is code splitting
Why do you need code splitting
Route-based code splitting
Hands-on: Create react application that implements code splitting and lazy load components using React.lazy and suspense features.
Learning Objective: Understand the need for hooks and implement hooks to access state and effects hook in functional components.
What are hooks
Why do you need hooks
Different types of hooks
Using state and effect hooks
Rules of hooks
Hands-on: Create a functional component that uses the ability of state and life cycle features
Routing with react router
Learning Objective: Understand the significance of routing, configure routing for SPA.
Setting up react router
Understand routing in single page applications
Working with BrowserRouter and HashRouter components
Configuring route with Route component
Using Switch component to define routing rules
Making routes dynamic using route params
Working with nested routes
Navigating to pages using Link and NavLink component
Redirect routes using Redirect Component
Using Prompt component to get consent of user for
Path less Route to handle failed matches
Hands-on: Install and setup router, configure routing rules, implement declarative and imperative navigation.
Just Redux
Learning Objective: Understand how to manage state in just redux in plain vanilla JS app.
What is redux
Why redux
Redux principles
Install and setup redux
Creating actions, reducer and store
Hands-on: Create actions, reducer and store. Dispatch actions and subscribe to store changes.
Learning Objective: Understand the challenges of mutability and how immutable.js helps over the mutability challenges.
What is Immutable.js?
Immutable collections
Hands-on: Create immutable List, map and set. Perform CRUD operations.
React Redux
Learning Objective: Understand how to integrate redux into react application.
What is React Redux
Why React Redux
Install and setup
Presentational vs Container components
Understand high order component
Understanding mapStateToProps and mapDispatchtToProps usage
Hands-on: Install and setup react redux. Configure Provider component as top level component. Migrate react stateful component to connected component.
Redux middleware
Learning Objective: Understand the significance of middleware and learn how saga middleware works.
Why redux middleware
Available redux middleware choices
What is redux saga
Install and setup redux saga
Working with Saga helpers
Sagas vs promises
Hands-on: Install and setup logger and saga middleware. Develop sagas use different side effects. Code sagas to fetch data from remote API using fetch/axios.
Unit Testing
Learning Objective: Understand significance of UI testing and learn how to unit test components, reducers using jest and enzyme.
Understand the significance of unit testing
Understand unit testing jargon and tools
Unit testing react components with Jest
Unit testing react components with enzyme
Hands-on: Understand jest configuration. Install and setup enzyme. Write unit test to components and reducers.
Isomorphic React
Learning Objective: Understand the significance of isomorphic react and setup SSR.
What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
Working with renderToString and renderToStaticMarkup methods
Hands-on: Extend the react boilerplate to enable SSR. Develop express JS app to serve SSR powered react app.
2 Mini Project
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